Wednesday, May 18, 2005

What are you waiting for??

Familiar phrase eh? Just got the mood to suddenly write this, friend was telling me to go sleep to forget bout the hunger I'm feeling, when I pushed off that idea, hence that familiar phrase came into the scene...which then led me to think, "Yea, what exactly am I waiting for?"

To begin to answer that, I just have that few thigns in my list now:
1) to get some reply ( yes or no, interview or total reject ) for the jobs I've applied for
2) to get a new car ... if that's ever possible with my unemployed state
3) my niece to get back from Singapore, can't imagine how much I missed her!
4) my downloads to finish ( sigh, getting lesser sources to do that already )
5) my friend to clear off the air bout some rumours that I've been hearing, ( not that big of a deal also if he would tell me on the phone, but he I'm waiting for the day he comes to find me then )
6) my parents to stop nagging me bout almost anything
7) ( this slot was "an idea to write my blog")
8) my old friends to chat longer with me
9) people to stop going ga-ga over the new release of Star Wars
10) the best way to cure my boredom at home!!!

Can only think of that 10 at the moment, don't get me started on things bout the future, the list will go on and on and on. Interesting to see my friend started with his blog site today, he should have started it like ages ago. He's someone I really look up to back in my uni days and he's always been there for me when I have those sucky times trying to interpret misleading signs left by guys. Well, the reason he has that blog was to become another version of "jeffooi". If you're Malaysian, and regular with the blogging thingy, you would know who is Jeff Ooi. Anyhow, if you happen to be reading this and don't have a clue, will leave you with their blogsite links after this post. Guess it's been a tiring day also, was with parents to settle their visas and their stuff before heading to China early next month. Before I wrap it up, back to the title again,come to think of it, it could also be used as an encouragement too. So when you, at the moment, asked me that, I would say, "nothing...coz it's time to sleep." :) Have a good day tomorrow everyone...especially you!

Jeff Ooi

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