Saturday, October 08, 2005

Remembering birthdays~!

Oh's already October! And it's the birthday streak in early October. Most of the Librans are already so far away, so I guess the need of me joining any celebration is eliminated. I guess the feeling is great if you have people remembering your birthday and all. The best would be people celebrating it with you...but since most of them are already attached, guess they won't have problem finding for people to celebrate with them. So it comes back to the person I guess. To me, birthdays are a special occasion. To some other, birthday is just another day. So birthday is a day to treat myself better in all ways. And I think this year my bday falls somewhere near or during the Raya holidays. I'm fine with people who don't remember it, I guess I'm forgetting a lot of birthdays too. Not sure it's the part that I'm getting older or the part that I'm drifiting apart from everyone already. Yea, now I understand how being at work can drift someone apart...

Oh bout work. Going to be packed up with sites for the coming week. So happy that September is gone. Don't think I'd mention this in my blog, but the end of Sept, got into this minor accident. Some car bang into my car, well, both side is at fault, but it really did freak me out then. Unlucky month, just hope that it's gone and never returns. And I've just got called for interview with this big company. Sigh...everyone is asking me to try it out, I'm also thinking about it and scheduled it to be on the Friday next week. You know, my current company is not that bad to start off with. Just the part I wanted more was the training. The benefits sounded okay since my team leader is still at his job till now.

So, it's a quiet Friday nite. I seriously should plan out something for weekend. Or just sleep through it...we'll see how things go tomorrow then. Getting a shut eye already.

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