Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lady drivers..sheeshhh

Ok ok...we've heard a lot about lady drivers...Everyday I try my best to not to fit into the pack..

Last week..I was seriously pissed off with the lady drivers on the road, okay, for once I understand why the men kept going on and on about how bad a lady drives...

Incident 1: Cutting lanes and slowing down. C'mon~!! I was going fast, you don't cut into my lane and slow down~! Blue SAGA!

Incident 2: Abrupt change of lanes without looking/signalling.We were caught in a slow moving traffic, so just waited for her to make her move. Black Vios! Think it was black..but this morning had the same incident, and it was confirmed a BLACK Vios coming out frm Bkt Rimau trying to cut to far right for the contra flow..I was going at 90! Needed to brake so she can slowly make her way to the right lane~!

Incident 3: Sudden break! What the hell?!?! You don't suddenly break when you're like kilometres away from the front car~! Red Merc!

That aside...yesterday got one incident on the road la. Sad to say, although waiting in queue, somehow the lane branched into 3 and I was caught at the far left lane, which at the moment I was then forced to take back to the middle lane....which made me a queue jumper on that faithful evening. I pissed someone off by doing that. Could hear his horns blaring away when I forced my way in. He went on for revenge later on after we made the right turn, I knew it was coming,was in time to dodge it. Seriously, did not do it intentionally. Blame it on the traffic system~! I was never in the wrong lane~!! But then, bottomline...yesterday evening I was back in the pack.

I vow to follow the traffic rules as closely as I could..occassionally I might break some..but I try very hard to not piss ppl off when I'm on the road, and I hope and pray that people don't piss me off too!


Anonymous said...

to me is ok la..this morning i saw a lady with office wear driving a bike cut here cut there with the speed of 90...scare the shit of me!...Not only lady car drivers scares me..Lady bike riders also freak me out..

YeeLeng said...

yea..dun mess with any ladies..be in on the road or anywhere else :P