Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lame Monday

Monday blues kicked in REAL HARD then it slowly became so LAME. What a day...started off not that good either. Mostly coz of work..Yea, it's basically all work problems today. Can't do much..it's all L.A.M.E~!! Lame day, lame problems, lame people...so happy that monday is over. Nothing good happens on Monday..

Met with an accident on a Monday 2 weeks ago. Car skidded on a sharp corner, made me hit another car. All the trouble...all the mess...My car is back anyway, not too sure bout being good as new. First thing I needed to spend after getting it back was to get a new battery!! So far my car is running okay.

Well..come to think of it...wasn't that bad of a day...i'm sure someone out there had worse...anyway, as what a close friend always say; Think Positive! Yea.. i should be thinking positive and learning a lot from this lame day. Need to brush up on the managing skills too...***which i thought at the end of the day...managing a machine is still easier!***


Anonymous said...

atleast human u scold got feedback...or ask question hopefully get answer... machine quiet nia.....want to know wats wrong also dunno :P

YeeLeng said...

at least with machines...if don't respond and still cannot run..REFORMAT,REINSTALL! So straight forward...if u scold and u get lame answers..how would u feel? Even worse la..

Anonymous said...

scold till u syiok ..lolz