Friday, July 06, 2007 you believe?

I'm a believer. Everyone you cross path with would be because of fate. It's fate that brings people together. And it's also fate that I have not met that someone special yet...(kinda questioning that already...maybe I'm fated to be alone... sad..)It is also fate that I've met some incredibly amazing people that had taught me a lot and also changed my perception about a lot of things.

Ohh well, I spent last weekend re-reading Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. Had to re-read it coz someone asked about the book, which I don't remember much of the storyline at that time.(It was 2 years ago when I got the book!) But anyhow, it's still a good book and you have to get a copy to read. The book tells how each people that Eddie(the main character) had met or just simply cross path made that significant impact in his life without knowing it himself...interesting eh? FATE... :)


Jian said...

Ah fate.. a word ppl use when they can't say they like/love each other.. make sense? hehe.. dunno why but i just said so.. :)

YeeLeng said...

haha..i think meeting you guys was fate too...yea, i do LOVE you guys a lot~!!