Monday, April 16, 2007


So it's been 2 weeks. Can say I'm officially detox-ed..with the "ed"... how do you really justify that? no idea... Weight loss..yes. Diet change...yes. I'm on fruits and vegetables most of the time. Will stick to that temporary...will see how things go from here. A bit of a high price to pay, but everyone's been telling me that it's worth it...and it's time to tell myself the same thing...After 2 weeks, I'm 3/4 convinced. :D

It'll be another hectic week in KL, I think. Phantom of the Opera is this coming Sunday!!!!! muahaha.. can't wait can't wait. Let's hope it's not disappointing. SGD120 for the show. Going off to singapore the end of the week. My parents are flying off to China on the same weekend. What a coincidence! Not sure how to tell them about my detox program...I'm thinking they'll have lots to say seeing what I still have to swallow daily~!!! I also want to vomit dy....

Back to work.. :P Hope everyone has a good day...


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the detoxified yeeleng.. i bet she rocks, hard!

YeeLeng said... more healthier only la..since when u got my blog address ar?