Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dong Dong Chiang....

CNY is here...Can finally feel it~! Only a couple of days away. Excited..coz mom will be back!! Finally bought parents the Imperial Wine, hopefully it;s something good la. Kinda ran out of ideas on what to get them. Last year was Eu Yan Sang, this year Imperial, next year ???? Don't know. Can't get them electrical stuff, coz they don't really use it. Chicken essence? My mom have dozens of that, unfinished yet. Bird's Nest, brother already gave them that. So if I run out of idea next year, it'll only be cash for them to buy whatever they want la. Since they're most of the time in Singapore, me giving them RM is just a small figure after conversion...SIGH....

It's another V-Day...I don't have that special someone to share it with yet....I have a group of single friends who planned for a dinner + birthday celebration. It's suppose to be 1st year anniversary for the Kura-Kura group...can't believe it's already a year since we all met and set up the group. True enough that throughout the year there's a lot of drama that went on. Truthfully, all this while didn't even think of it much till some of them actually took it personally to be something negatively wrong. So let's hope the coming year, all that drama will dissolve into something good? Thean is leaving for India soon. Not sure the whole group is aware of that, but will make an effort to get all of them together for his farewell.

So that's it for this entry, just a shoutout to all my colleagues who reads my blog: THANK YOU PEOPLE. No idea why u all interested in this crap also.

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